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Orthotics in East Brunswick

Over the years, our feet can take a beating. The body’s weight is distributed through our feet, and uneven distribution can affect how we walk and stand. Whether through sports or just walking on the hard pavement, the steady impact may cause pain and structural damage. Injuries or excessive weight gain also pose a problem.

Most people associate orthotics with podiatrists, but they’re also a perfect fit for chiropractic care. An in-depth knowledge of biomechanics is essential to chiropractic care and allows us to assess the foot for issues that might affect posture and require support.


Providing Stability with Custom Orthotics

At Campbell Chiropractic Center, we offer custom-made foot orthotics using state-of-the-art technology from Foot Levelers. These inserts are tailored to address specific foot issues and the underlying causes of discomfort or misalignment, providing enhanced comfort and support for your daily activities.

Custom orthotics are designed to fit your feet perfectly and provide support, stability, and balance to address structural or functional foot conditions. By gently correcting foot issues, they help restore your body’s normal balance and alignment.

Orthotics encourage foot and leg muscles to function correctly, reducing pain and discomfort. They make walking easier, allowing you to do the activities you enjoy. They also reduce problems associated with pressure points, muscle strain, and abnormal forces on ankles, knees, hips, and the spine.

person tying their shoes

Make Care Affordable with Insurance Coverage

Our team has specialized training and certifications to provide orthotics services through Foot Levelers. You can trust the care you receive from qualified professionals dedicated to improving your comfort and well-being.

In most cases, orthotics are covered by insurance. While coverage may vary, we work closely with insurance providers to maximize your benefits and minimize out-of-pocket expenses.

Schedule An Orthotics Consultation

Whether you’re experiencing foot pain or seeking preventive measures for better foot health, our orthotics services can help. Schedule a consultation with Campbell Chiropractic Center today to discover how custom-made orthotics can improve your quality of life.



Orthotics East Brunswick, Edison, North Brunswick NJ | (732) 254-2273